There is still availability for young Europeans who wish to attend the academic programme at Jaruplund Højskole in spring of 2020. The programme focuses on national minority issues and offers the possibility to obtain University credits (ECTS).
Behind the programme are the following partners: The Danish Border Association
(Grænseforeningen), the Centre for Border Region Studies at the University of Southern Denmark, Jaruplund Højskole in Flensburg, Germany, and YEN – Youth of European Nationalities, a panEuropean minority organisation.
The Minority Changemaker Programme, which consists of a 13-week stay at a special Danish educational institution, the ”højskole”, mixes academic and less formal classes into an intense learning programme from end of March to end of June 2020. Jens Horstmann, project manager, informs that there is room for a total of 40 participants and that more than a third of the places have been filled already.

Jens Horstmann, Grænseforeningen, is project manager at the Minority Changemaker Programme. Photo: Grænseforeningen.
”We are trying to reach out to young Europeans from all backgrounds with an interest in minority issues. I get a lot of feedback and questions from all over Europe and a lot of people ask if you have to be part of a national minority to attend the programme? And no, as long as you are interested in national minority issues and want to learn more and debate the future of Europe, then you are more than welcome – no matter your nationality”, Jens Horstmann says.
The young European participants get the opportunity to try the Danish tradition of ”højskole” (a nonformal, volunteer-based boarding school attended by some 10.000 Danish students each year) plus the opportunity to obtain university credits – if they wish. At the website are full descriptions of classes and curriculum as well as guests lecturers, excursions etc.
The programme also includes an intense week-long study trip to Poland with visits to minorities and interviews and Q&As with Polish politicians and opinion makers. The trip will end on the Danish island of Bornholm where the students take part in the “People’s Meeting” – Denmark’s festival about the society’s opportunities and challenges, attended by more than 100.000 participants. After the programme, the students are invited to go to Roskilde Festival, one of the world’s largest music festivals.
The total price is 500€ for 3 months. This includes tuition, full board and excursions. In addition, most travel costs to the højskole are reimbursed.
Want more information?
Jens Horstmann, project manager: (+45) 23238322 /